President Message
At Quality Care Hospice and Palliative Services, residents of Puerto Rico with chronic and / or catastrophic illnesses are our priority and reason for being.
Faced with the global pandemic that is being experienced, our professionals are more than committed to those most vulnerable and sick.
We inform you that we at QCH continue to provide hospice and palliative care of the highest quality to all of our active patients. New patients and referrals are more than welcome.
Help us to eradicate this pandemic by staying home and letting our health heroes provide the best care in the comfort of your home or residence.
“Because when it’s time, Quality Care is with you”. “This Virus we stopped united”.
Xavier Pantoja
Our Services
We provide home health services to end-stage limited-life patients.
Quality Care Hospice’s mission is to offer our patients in terminal stage health services at home with the highest standards of excellence, quality and compassion, this with the support of the best available technology and a committed and highly qualified work team.
We aspire to become the avant-garde alternative in home health services for terminal patients, providing excellent services that can meet your expectations of care.

Requirements to qualify
Have a terminal health condition certified by your primary physician, with a life expectancy of six months or less.
Most frequent conditions:
- Stroke
- End-stage Alzheimer’s
- Kidney Failure
- Congestive heart failure
- Pulmonary Desease
- Various types of cancer
- Hepatic disease

We offer our services to the entire island.
Frequently asked questions
The Hospice program provides compassionate, safe and dignified palliative services. These services are focused on the quality and promptness of care for the patient and their environment.
Hospice services are provided to all patients with a prognosis of 6 months or less to live.
Patients and / or family members do not pay for hospice services. Hospice bills patients’ Medicare or private plans directly.
If you are interested in guidance on how to receive hospice services, you should contact Quality Care Hospice and a service coordinator will be providing you with a complete orientation on the admission process.